Minutes of Annual General Meeting

October 16th, 2007



Location:                    District Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                                         Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Peter Budgell                                                         Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                        Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. John George                                                          Ms. Heather Hillier (Recorder)

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Robert Hannaford

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Mr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Peter Gibbons

Mr. Newman Harris

Ms. Ann Sparkes


Absent with Regrets:


Ms. Audrey Whiteway


1.         Meeting Called to Order


The Board Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and welcomed those in attendance.


2.         Approval of Agenda


The proposed agenda was reviewed and two additional items were added under correspondence:


5.1       Letter from Mr. David Moore, Director of Policy, Planning and Accountability – Department of Education

5.2       Letter from Mr. Rick Moore, Assistant Deputy Minister of Corporate Services – Department of Education.


Motion:           to approve the agenda as revised. (Pritchett, Budgell)                                  CARRIED


3.         Election of Officers


The Annual Election of Officers of the Board was called.  The Chair declared all positions of the Board vacant and asked the Director to assume the Chair for the Election of Officers.


The Board has five table officers.  They include the Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.


It was agreed that for any executive positions requiring a vote, only the name of the winner and not the vote count would be announced.  A tie would result in a second round of voting. 


Mr. Shawn Brace, Assistant Director of Finance and Ms. Heather Hillier, Senior Administrative Officer – Corporate Services were requested to serve as scrutineers.


The following nominations were submitted prior to the meeting:


CHAIR                                                           NOMINATED BY

Mr. Thomas Kendell                                         Noble/Sparkes


2nd VICE CHAIR                                          

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                         Noble/Kendell



Mr. Kerry Noble                                              Cheeks/Langdon



Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Brown/Harris


Director Cindy Fleet then proceeded to carry out the election.  She called for nominations three times from the floor for each position, commencing with the Chair. 


Nominations from the Floor



No nominations from the floor.

Mr. Thomas Kendell was elected to the position of Chair by acclamation.



Mr. John George                                              Pritchett/Brown

Mr. John George was elected to the position of 1st Vice Chair by acclamation.


2nd VICE CHAIR      

No nominations from the floor.

Mr. Hubert Langdon was elected to the position of 2nd Vice Chair by acclamation.



No nominations from the floor.

Mr. Kerry Noble was elected to the position of Secretary by acclamation. 



Mr. Robert Hannaford  was nominated from the floor   Kendell/Budgell                                               

An election was conducted for the position of Treasurer.  Mr. Robert Hannaford was elected to the position of Treasurer.


Motion:           to destroy the ballots from the election for Treasurer (Brown/Woolfrey)  CARRIED.


At the end of the election, the five positions were declared filled and Ms. Fleet then handed the Chair back to Mr. Kendell.


4.         Approval of the Minutes


Motion:           to accept the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, September 18th, 2007 as revised:

                        Add under Absent with Regrets:  Shawn Brace, Assistant Director of Finance

Insert change in #7 to read:  “It was agreed that the memorandum should not limit use to minor soccer but for recreational purposes, as deemed appropriate by the Town.” (George/Harris)   CARRIED




4.1       Mr. Clar Brown inquired if there were any further updates regarding the purchase of the Baie Verte property.  Ms. Fleet reported NCSD is waiting for a response from the Department of Education regarding this matter.


4.2       Mr. Greg Woolfrey inquired as to whether there was any update on the former Roman Catholic School Board Office on Lind Avenue.  Ms. Fleet answered that there was nothing new to report at this time.







5.         Correspondence


5.1       A letter dated October 10th, 2007 was received by the Chair from Mr. David Moore, Director of Policy, Planning and Accountability with the Department of Education.  Mr. Moore thanked the Chair and members of the Executive Committee for meeting with him on October 4th, 2007 to discuss performance contracts required under the Transparency and Accountability Act.  Mr. Moore also congratulated Nova Central School Board on its hard work with respect to the finalization of its strategic plan. 


5.2       A letter dated September 14th, 2007 was received by the Chair from Mr. Rick Hayward, Assistant Deputy Minister for Corporate Services with the Department of Education.  The letter advised that the Minister of Education had tabled Nova Central School Board’s Strategic Plan 2006-2008 with the Speaker of the House of Assembly on September 12th, 2007.


6.         Reports


6.1       Finance and Property Committee


Mr. Pritchett, Committee Chair, reported for the Finance and Property Committee.


6.2       Revised Restructuring Plan


The Committee had been requested by the Board to provide additional information at this meeting on how priorities are established for the Restructuring Plan.  Mr. Pritchett reported that priorities identified for the Restructuring Plan take into account the following:

-         Capacity

-         Age of the building

-         Layout design

-         Program space requirements

-         Overall condition of the building. 

Capacity issues are the number one priority and Grand Falls-Windsor is the top priority in the Plan. 


Mr. Pritchett clarified that consultants’ reports are needed on the remaining properties to help determine priority rankings.  The engineering consultants provide information on the physical structures.  The Board makes the final decision regarding restructuring priorities, taking into account all aspects of the school building including the engineering reports and recommendations. 


It was agreed that Category F would be called ‘educational program consultations’.


Ms. Fleet indicated that school enrollment may result in some changes, once the official Annual General Returns (AGRs) are confirmed by the Department of Education. 


It was agreed that the Restructuring Plan would not identify specific buildings for closure under consolidation, unless confirmed by a consultant’s report and approved by the Board. 


Ms Fleet reported that funding to hire consultants is needed to help us identify and address long-term priorities under the Restructuring Plan.


6.3       Other


·        Ms. Fleet reported that there have been issues identified with the parking lots of Woodland Primary in Grand Falls-Windsor and Botwood Memorial Academy.  Both items are included in the capital application to the Department of Education.  Mr. Noble reported that there appears to be some issues with the Gander Collegiate and St. Paul’s Intermediate parking lots. 

Action:            Ms. Fleet will discuss the matter with Paul Matheson, NCSD Manager of Student Transportation, and ask for a report on any issues or how the situation might be improved.


·        Mr. Pritchett also reported that the User Agreement received from the Town of Gander was not the one approved by the Board at the September 18th, 2007 meeting. 

Action: Mr. Shawn Brace, Assistant Director of Finance has been requested to arrange a meeting with representatives of the Town of Gander to resolve the matter.


·        The Design Management Group Ltd. (DMG) has submitted a request to Nova Central School District to purchase land behind Lewisporte Academy for an expansion planned to North Haven Manner.  In subsequent correspondence, DMG Ltd. indicated that if NCSD decides not to sell the land, expropriation would be explored. 


The Trustees agreed that future planning for Lewisporte Academy could be affected if the land in question is sold and no longer owned by Nova Central School District. 


Motion:           that NCSD not entertain the selling of the land behind Lewisporte Academy at this time.  (Brown/Woolfrey)  CARRIED


7.         Quarterly Financial Report


Mr. Pritchett reported that there would not be a Quarterly Financial Report at this meeting as the Finance and Property Committee has not yet had a chance to meet and review the report.

Action: Quarterly Financial Report tabled for the next NCSD regular board meeting.


8.         King Academy


Mr. George inquired about progress in addressing some issues identified by the King Academy School Council and Principal.  Ms. Fleet and Mr. Brace responded that items on the school list which could be addressed were completed.  The roof is currently being replaced and a facilities assessment for King Academy has also been approved by the Department of Education. 


9.         Strategic Planning


There was consensus that consultations with school councils for strategic planning purposes will again proceed in nine areas throughout the District.  Any recommendations for change to the process should be sent to the Director as soon as possible.  Ms. Fleet noted that most principals will be more familiar with the process this time, and were given notice at the September Principals’ Conference that consultations would take place again this year.  This should allow for more notice so that school councils can seek public input, and identify and refer two or three priority issues for Board consideration.  Ms. Fleet will send out letters to schools in December and begin scheduling sessions for January. 


Chairman Tom Kendell confirmed that a professional development session with Brenda Kelleher-Flight has been scheduled for the Board Trustees for November 2nd-3rd, 2007 in Gander.  A second session has been scheduled for November 30th-December 1st, 2007. 


Motion:           to move into a closed session. (Langdon/Gibbons)  CARRIED


Motion:           to come out of the closed session.  (George/Sparkes) CARRIED




Chairman Kendell identified that the Board needs to confirm Chairs and members for each of its four Committees:

  1. Executive
  2. Finance and Property
  3. Personnel
  4. Communications

It was also clarified that a fifth committee for Student Support Services would only need to meet if the Board requested it to do so. 


Mr. Langdon recommended that the status quo with respect to committee membership continue for this year if existing members agree.

Action:            Mr. Kendell will email all existing committee members before the next board meeting to confirm their committee preferences. 


­­­­­­­­­­­­­10.       Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on November 20th, 2007 at 7pm at the Regional Office in Grand Falls-Windsor.


11.       Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm.                (Budgell)




________________________________                    ______________________________

Thomas Kendell, Chair                                     Heather Hillier, Recorder